Monday, June 18, 2012

Pasta Dough

A few seconds ago I was in my kitchen, whipping up a batch of pasta dough for tonight's meal, and thought, "OH!  How dare I not share this with you!" So, I started taking pictures immediately.  Lucky youuuu!

I found this recipe on, originally printed in Gourmet's April 2008 issue. I've made a few changes to reduce waste (I include the egg whites) and removed a lot of the water (since I incorporate the entire egg), as well as added a little healthy glimmer in there for your hearts (whole wheat flour). I know, that is awfully kind of me.

My recipe is doubled from the original, which makes about one pound of pasta. You can roll the dough out by hand or use a pasta machine. Make spaghetti, linguine, lasagna, pappardelle, ravioli, you name it! Just remember, fresh pasta cooks in a matter of minutes! Oh, and salt your water, per favore :)

Pasta Dough
makes approximately 1 lb | prep time: 10 min | rest time: 1 hr 30 min
(Adapted from Pasta Dough recipe)

  • 2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1/c. whole wheat flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 T extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt

In a stand mixer or food processor, blend together all dough ingredients until mixture just begins to form a ball.

If the dough is not coming together after a minute, add water by the tablespoon.

Either using the stand mixer's dough hook or by hand, knead the dough on a lightly floured surface, adding flour as necessary to keep dough from sticking.
Knead until the dough becomes smooth and elastic, 6 to 8 minutes.
Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature 1 hour.*

Using a pasta machine (or roll and cut by hand), roll the dough to preferred pasta shape and place on a pasta drying rack. Allow the pasta to dry for 30 minutes or more before cooking.

*If you are making the dough a day ahead, skip the 1 hour rest time and place the wrapped dough in the refrigerator. Bring to room temperature before rolling your pasta.

Buon appetito!


  1. Do you know what the value of the hour-long wait is? I'm curious why it's necessary. Maybe to let the gluten relax?

    1. Hi Mark!

      Thanks for checking out LaraThalice!

      I am not positive but I think, like you said, to let the gluten relax, allowing the dough to roll out much easier. I have heard from many that when they didn't allow the relax-time, the dough created a lot of resistance in the rolling.

      Delete participates in select affiliate advertising programs, which means that I get a commission if you decide to purchase the product after clicking on the link. But I would not share these items with you without passion behind them. I literally own every single one and I mean it when I say, I pause and stare at them longingly before using them, admiring their beauty, strength, wisdom, and skills.