Friday, March 16, 2012

Puerto Rico

Hola all!

I apologize for the delay since my first post. You probably think I'm not for real with a posting schedule like this... or lack there of, but I have been away!  I just returned from my honeymoon in Puerto Rico. I'm sure you are all thinkin', oh, geez, thanks for sharing... BUT, I promise this will benefit you, too!  

While traveling, I tasted A LOT, and have quite a few inspirations up my sleeve.  I cannot wait to share some of the delicious Puerto Rican fare that we came across while touring Rio Grande, Old San Juan and Luquillo.  Then you, too, can have a mini 'moon to Puerto Rico!

While I concoct some Puerto Rican experiments, I promise to have my newest post "up and at 'em" this weekend.  Get ready for souped-up chicken noodle soup!

Chat with you soon!  ...I promise :)

2 comments: participates in select affiliate advertising programs, which means that I get a commission if you decide to purchase the product after clicking on the link. But I would not share these items with you without passion behind them. I literally own every single one and I mean it when I say, I pause and stare at them longingly before using them, admiring their beauty, strength, wisdom, and skills.